HOWL at the Moon played for more than 300 people at the February 2022 Concert for a Cause held at SIC with Ferrell Hospital. (Photo: SIC)

HARRISBURG – Southeastern Illinois College and Ferrell Hospital are teaming up again for the fourth annual Concert for a Cause with Howl at the Moon Dueling Pianos Feb. 11.

Concert for a Cause will be held in SIC’s Deaton Gymnasium in Harrisburg. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with a pasta buffet by Chef Michael Intravaia of the SIC Falcon Bistro and a cash bar donated by Morello’s. Morello’s will donate $1 from the sale of two specialty drinks for the evening back to the event: the Southeastern Sweetheart and the Ferrell Forget-Me-Not. Then at 7 p.m., the dueling pianos show begins.

The music is sponsored by On Top of the World sponsor, Michael Tison with Align Wealth Management – Ameriprise Private Wealth Advisory Practice in Harrisburg.

“We are looking forward to an entertaining evening at Southeastern Illinois College again,” said Tison. “If you like fun music, you will have a great time. Since the event also assists both SIC and Ferrell Hospital in their missions, it makes it a must-attend event for us.”

The event will also include a variety of cakes for dessert donated by Ferrell Hospital, a photo booth donated for the evening by Epic Snap Photo Booth, and a balloon pop with every pop a winner.

The online silent auction will be available not only to guests, but to anyone online. The auction will be opened a few days before the event. To register and bid, participants should visit Winners who are not present at the event will need to arrange a day/time to pick up their items. Winners can pay with the credit or debit card from the site or pay by check or cash in person.

“Each year this event continues to grow, and is always such a fun time,” said Dr. Jonah Rice, SIC President. “The community support for our two organizations is overwhelming, and we can’t do what we do without that support. We enjoy providing a venue and fun event with Ferrell Hospital for our communities on Valentine’s weekend while simultaneously raising money to benefit our students now and into the future.”

SIC and Ferrell Hospital split the proceeds each year. Proceeds for SIC benefit student scholarships and support, and now through 2026, every dollar raised for the SIC Foundation endowment will be doubled by a federal grant.

Proceeds for Ferrell Hospital will fund new medical equipment. With the addition of new service lines in Ferrell Hospital’s Specialty Clinic and new providers in Ferrell Hospital’s Family Medicine clinics, the acquisition of additional state-of-the-art medical equipment is essential.

Ferrell Hospital has recently welcomed 10 new providers across the hospital and clinics. This growth has allowed for a rapid expansion of primary care and the creation of new service lines including Pain Management, Pulmonology and the relaunch and expansion of the Orthopedic program. For more information on Ferrell Hospital’s new providers and service lines, please visit

Howl at the Moon (HATM) pits musician against musician with high-energy live music centered on dance hits and party anthems. The musicians bring in all their own equipment and take requests by the audience in all genres of music. They continually engage with the audience, and much dancing can be anticipated. The first HATM opened in Cincinnati in 1990, and now has locations in major cities all over the U.S. and internationally. The event will feature the traveling version of HATM, which is Howl2Go.

Tickets are $35 per person, $60 per couple and $250 for a table of eight. The pasta dinner is included in the ticket price.

Corporate sponsorships for the event are also being accepted. Levels range from $500 to $2,000 sponsorships with tickets to the show and varying degrees of publicity.

Tickets and sponsorships can be purchased online at Auction items can also be donated (and later bids can be made) on the website. For additional information, or to pay by phone, call Callie Smith at Ferrell Hospital at 618-297-9606, or Adriana Armstrong at SIC at 618-252-5400, ext. 2104.